1 Chronicles 1

The Book of 1 Chronicles
Chapter 1

Chapter Overview:

The descents from Adam to Noah and his sons, ver. 1 - 4.
The posterity of Japheth and Ham, ver. 5 - 16.
Of Shem to Abraham, ver. 17 - 27.
Abraham's posterity by Ishmael, ver. 28 - 31.
By Keturah, ver. 32, 33.
The posterity of Isaac by Esau, ver. 34 - 54.
1:1Sheth - Adam begat Sheth: and so in the following particulars. For brevity sake he only mentions their names; but therest is easily understood out of the former books. This appears as thepeculiar glory of the Jewish nation, that they alone were able to tracetheir pedigree from the first man that God created, which no other nationpretended to, but abused themselves and their posterity with fabulousaccounts of their originals: the people of Thessaly fancying that theysprang from stones, the Athenians, that they grew out of the earth.
1:5The sons of Japheh - The historian repeating the account of the replenishing the earth by the sons of Noah, begins with those that werestrangers to the church, the sons of Japheth, who peopled Europe, ofwhom he says little, as the Jews had hitherto little or no dealings withthem. He proceeds to those that had many of them been enemies to thechurch, and thence hastens to the line of Abraham, breaking off abruptlyfrom all the other families of the sons of Noah, but that ofArphaxad, from whom Christ was to come. The great promise of theMessiah was transmitted from Adam to Seth, from him to Shem,from him to Eber, and so to the Jewish nation, who were intrustedabove all nations with that sacred treasure, 'till the promise wasperformed, and the Messiah was come: and then that nation was made nota people.
1:14The Jebusite - The names which follow until ver. 17 , are not the names of particular persons, but of people or nations. And all thesedescended from Canaan, though some of them were afterwards extinct orconfounded with others of their brethren by cohabitation or mutualmarriages, whereby they lost their names: which is the reason why theyare no more mentioned, at least under these names.
1:17The sons - Either the name of sons is so taken here as to include grandsons, or, these words, the children of Aram, are understoodbefore Uz, out of Genesis 10:23 , where they are expressed.
1:18Begat - Either immediately, or mediately by his son Cainan, who is expressed, 3:35 .
1:19Divided - In their languages and habitations.
1:24Arphaxad - Having given a brief and general account of the original of the world and the people in it, he now returns to a more largeand particular account of the genealogy of Shem, from whom the Jewswere descended.
1:28The sons of Abraham - All nations but the seed of Abraham are already shaken off from this genealogy. Not that we conclude, no particularpersons of any other nation but this found favour with God. Multitudes willbe brought to heaven out of every nation, and we may hope there weremany, very many people in the world, whose names were in the book of life,tho' they did not spring from the loins of Abraham.
1:36Timna - There is another Timna, the concubine of Eliphaz, Genesis 36:12 , but this was one of his sons, though called by the samename; there being some names common both to men and women in the Hebrewand in other languages.
1:38Seir - One of another nation, prince of the Horims; whose genealogy is here described, because of that affinity which was contractedbetween his and Esau's posterity; and those who were not united andincorporated with them, were destroyed by them. See 2:12 .
1:54These are the dukes of Edom - Let us, in reading these genealogies, think of the multitudes that have gone thro' the world, havesuccessively acted their parts in it, and retired into darkness. All theseand all theirs had their day; many of them made a mighty noise in the world;until their day came to fall, and their place knew them no more. The pathsof death are trodden paths. How soon are we to tread them?