1Ti Intro



The mother of Timothy was a Jewess, but his father was aChapter Overview:

gentile. He was converted to Christianity very early; and while he was yet but a youth, was taken by St. Paul to assist him in the work of the gospel, chiefly in watering the churches which he had planted.
He was therefore properly, as was Titus, an itinerantevangelist, a kind of secondary apostle, whose office was, to regulate all things in the churches to which he was sent; and to inspect and reform whatsoever was amiss either in the bishops, deacons, or people.

St. Paul had doubtless largely instructed him in privateconversation for the due execution of so weighty an office.Yet to fix things more upon his mind, and to give him an opportunity of having recourse to them afterward, and of communicating them to others, as there might be occasion, as also to leave divine directions in writing, for the use of the church and its ministers in all ages; he sent him this excellent pastoral letter, which contains a great variety of important sentiments for their regulation.

Though St. Paul styles him his "own son in the faith," yet hedoes not appear to have been converted by the apostle; but only to have been exceeding dear to him, who had established him therein; and whom he had diligently and faithfully served, like a son with his father in the gospel. Php 2:22.

The epistle contains three parts:

I. The inscription,..................................... C.i.1,2 II. The instruction of Timothy how to behave at Ephesus, wherein, 1. In general, he gives him an injunction to deliver to them that taught the law in a wrong manner, and confirms at the same time the sum of the gospel as exemplified in himself,................ 3-20 2. In particular, 1. He prescribes to men, a method of prayer,. C.ii.1-8 To women, good works and modesty,............. 9-15 2. He recounts the requisites of a bishop,.. C.iii.1-7 The duties of deacons,........................ 8-10 of women,.................................... 11-13 3. He shows what Timothy should teach......... 14-C.iv.1-6 What he should avoid,............................. 7-11 What follow after,............................... 12-16 How he should treat men and women,............. C.v.1,2 Widows,......................................... 3-16 Elders,........................................ 17-19 Offenders,..................................... 20,21 Himself,....................................... 22,23 Those he doubts of,............................ 24,25 Servants,................................... C.vi.1,2 4. False teachers are reproved,...................... 3-10 Timothy is admonished, quickened,..................................... 11,12 and charged,................................... 13-16 Precepts are prescribed to be enforced on the rich,...................................... 17-19III. The conclusion,...................................... 20,21