Ga Intro
This epistle is not written, as most of St. Paul's are, to theChristians of a particular city, but to those of a whole country in Asia Minor, the metropolis of which was Ancyra. These readily embraced the gospel; but, after St. Paul had left them, certain men came among them, who (like those mentioned, Acts 15:1.) taught that it was necessary to be circumcised, and to keep the Mosaic law. They affirmed, that all the other apostles taught thus; that St. Paul was inferior to them; and that even he sometimes practised and recommended the law, though at other times he opposed it.
The first part, therefore, of this epistle is spent in vindicatinghimself and his doctrine; proving,
- That he had it immediately from Christ himself; and that he wasnot inferior to the other apostles.
- That it was the very same which the other apostles preached. And,
- That his practice was consistent with his doctrine.
The second contains proofs, drawn from the Old Testament, thatthe law and all its ceremonies were abolished by Christ.
The third contains practical inferences, closed with his usualbenediction.
To be a little more distinct -
This epistle contains,
I. The inscription,................................. C.i. 1-5II. The calling the Galatians back to the true gospel; wherein he, 1. Reproves them for leaving it,............................. 6-10 2. Asserts the authority of the gospel he had preached, who, 1. Of a persecutor was made an apostle, by an immediate call from heaven,............................. 11-17 2. Was no way inferior to Peter himself,.................... 18- C.ii. 21 3. Defends justification by faith, and again reproves the Galatians,....................................... C.iii. 1- iv. 11 4. Explains the same thing by an allegory taken out of the law itself,......................................... 12-31 5. Exhorts them to maintain their liberty,........... C.v. 1-12 warns them not to abuse it, and admonishes them to walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit,...... 13- 10 III The conclusion,......................................... 11-18