Sermons Preached on Special Occasions

Joseph Barber Lightfoot


S. Michael's Church, Cambridge, April 23, 1872, at the Inauguation of the Cambridge Church Society

S. James's, Piccadilly, 2nd Sunday after Easter, 1873

S. Michael's Church, Cambridge, S. Andrew's Day, 1876, at the Inauguration of the Cambridge Mission to Delhi

S. Paul's Cathedral, S. Mark's Day, 1877, at the Consecration of the first Bishop of Truro

Croydon Parish Church, October 9, 1877, before the Croydon Church Congress

Durham Cathedral, Trinity Sunday, 1879, after an Ordination held in the Cathedral

S. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Nov. 3, 1879, at the Opening of the New House of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge

S. Peter's Monkwearmouth, Advent Sunday, 1879, in aid of the fund for constituting the district Church of S. Cuthbert

Westminster Abbey, June 21, 1881, at the Jubilee of King's College, London

Westminster Abbey, June 23, 1881, at the Anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts

The Parish Church of S. Andrew Auckland, 1881, at the re-opening of the Church

S. Mary's Church, Glasgow, October 10, 1882, before the Representative Council of the Scottish Episcopal Church

S. Paul's Cathedral, May 7, 1883, at the Anniversary Service of the Church of England Sunday School Institute

Wells Cathedral, May 29, 1884, at the Sixth Triennial Festival of Wells Theological College

S. Paul's Cathedral, June 19, 1884, at the Anniversary Service of the Girls' Friend Society

Christ Church, Newgate, Tuesday in Easter Week, 1886. Spital Sermon.

S. Peter's Wolverhapton, October 3, 1887, before the Church Congress

S. Margaret's Westminster, Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 1888, on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Assyrian Christians