Bible Verses about Pride - Scriptures on Pride vs. Humility
We all struggle with pride in life! Sadly, many of us do not realize the potential that waits for us if we just let go of our pride and move forward in God's plan. In fact, the Bible goes so far as to warn us that God hates the sin of pride and will discipline the proud! Let us not see ourselves as "wise in our own eyes" but let us become humble and willing to learn from God and others! Memorize these Bible verses about pride to help you focus on being like Jesus Christ, our ultimate example of selflessness who gave Himself on the cross for us!
Many people who struggle with pride also struggle with greed. Study these Bible verses about greed to see how God's blessings pour out on those who are generous!
Download a free PDF of Bible Verses about Love for inspiration to humble yourself with love for God and others!
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