


This commentary is based on a simple yet profound biblical worldview: the glory of God through the advancement of his kingdom. This is the unifying theme of Scripture, from Genesis through Revelation. The concept of God’s kingdom is what ties all of the Bible together. When this central point of connectivity is lost to the reader, it is easy for Scripture to seem like a series of disconnected stories, events, personalities, and doctrines that do not strategically and thematically connect to one another.

The word kingdom means “rule” or “authority.” When linked to God, it refers to the rule of God in both heaven and earth encompassing both eternity and time. It is therefore comprehensive in nature. This kingdom is composed of a ruler (God), subjects (angels and people), a realm (creation), and regulations (laws).

The Bible unfolds how God’s kingdom operates in the affairs of the world and how God receives glory through his kingdom rule, even when that rule is being opposed by both angels and human beings. While God’s kingdom rule takes various forms with varying laws through varying administrations (i.e., dispensations), it nonetheless maintains its central goal of bringing God glory whether through blessing or judgment.

The kingdom agenda, then, is the visible manifestation of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life. God’s kingdom agenda is carried out through four covenantal spheres: the individual, the family, the church, and the government (i.e., nations). A covenant is a divinely created relational bond through which God administrates his kingdom program. It establishes a legal relationship in the spiritual realm that is to be lived out in the physical realm. To operate and function underneath the umbrella of God’s kingdom covenants and guidelines is to position the specific covenantal relationship (i.e., individual, family, church, government) to experience God’s greatest involvement and benefits within that covenantal sphere. Conversely, to operate outside of and in opposition to God’s kingdom covenant is to experience the negative consequences of not being aligned and covenantally covered.

This commentary is designed to reflect this kingdom perspective through an exposition of each of the sixty-six books of the Holy Scriptures. My goal is that this work will serve as a valuable study resource for serious students of the Bible by combining exegesis, exposition, and exhortation that creates a relevant kingdom mindset.

As you use this study tool, remember:

  1. Study the Scriptures with a view to meeting with God, not just learning about him.
  2. Study the Scriptures by routinely asking, “What should I do in light of what I have learned?”
  3. Study the Scriptures in their context in order to be accurate in your understanding of what the biblical authors are saying.
  4. Study the Scriptures in prayer and in dependency on the Holy Spirit to open up your mind and heart to the meaning and contemporary relevancy and application of the text.
  5. Study the Scripture with a kingdom mindset, seeking to identify God’s rule over every area of life.

While nothing can be added to or subtracted from God’s inerrant Word, it is my sincere hope that this tool will aid you in your understanding and application of the Bible to your life. For additional study notes, articles, and supporting materials, see also The Tony Evans Study Bible: Advancing God’s Kingdom Agenda. Most importantly, it is my prayer that your reading, studying, and obedience to the written Word will lead you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with the living Word, Jesus Christ, as kingdom disciples as you live all of life under his kingdom rule.

Follow this link for videos of Tony Evans teaching on the Kingdom Agenda.

Follow these links for additional audio messages of Tony Evans teaching on the Kingdom Agenda: