Our Hearts of Stone Video (Renewing Our Hearts Week 1)
Our hearts are essential organs designed to keep our lifeblood flowing and our bodies chugging along. Therefore, we tend to pay close attention to our hearts through regular checkups with our doctor, seeing specialists if necessary, and taking proscribed medications to help keep it ticking. Sometimes, despite of our care, we can experience a heart attack or other condition that sends us to the hospital for surgery. When that happens, part of our recovery often involves lifestyle changes to reduce stress on that vital organ.
As believers, we should also keep a close eye on our hearts. These hearts of ours can become hardened, but not because of clogged arteries. Instead, unrepentant sin or a cavalier attitude toward the work Christ did on the cross causes our hearts to lose the flexibility and softness from when we first accepted Jesus as our Savior.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/Yevheniia Bondarieva